ESU sound support in pc application

#1 von Steam_john4 , 14.12.2021 14:00

I am working on a z21 throttle application with sound support and wanted to share this video demo whit you guys to show its possibilities. Note, the application is not downloadable yet.

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Regionalbahn (RB)
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RE: ESU sound support in pc application

#2 von floete100 , 14.12.2021 18:53

I was so free to link your video directly ...

Regards Rainer

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RE: ESU sound support in pc application

#3 von Steam_john4 , 14.12.2021 20:02

Hello Rainer,
Thanks, I was not allowed yet to add the complete link. This is much better.
Regards John.

Regionalbahn (RB)
Beiträge: 26
Registriert am: 20.06.2021


Z21throttle with ESU sound support
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